I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from the National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, INDIA. Post graduation, I started working with Samsung Electronics and worked for a year at it’s Bangalore R&D center. I then graduated with a Master of Science degree in Robotics Engineering from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute where I worked in the WPI-CMU team on the Boston Dynamics’ ATLAS robot for the DARPA Robotics Challenge. I then spent almost 9 years in the R&D Organization at iRobot Corporation. I am currently working as a Principal Software Engineer at Berkshire Grey.
My areas of interest are in robotics manipulation (motion planning, visual servoing, etc.), computer vision, mapping and navigation (SLAM, occupancy grid mapping, etc.), AI, and general software development. I have worked with robots of all sizes, from the iRobot Roomba, the Kinova Jaco, Rethink’s Baxter to the Boston Dynamics’ Atlas. I am also very interested in deep learning but I haven’t done any work in that field yet – still learning.
I have substantial experience in various languages which include C, C++, and Python. I have also done work in Java and Delphi (Object Pascal) in the past. Apart from this, I also have substantial experience in working with ROS and software APIs like OpenCV, PCL, OpenRAVE and other Robotics libraries.
You can browse through my projects and tutorials on various related topics in this website.
Click here to view my Resume or click here to view my CV.
References available on request.
Nandan Banerjee
Principal Software Engineer
Berkshire Grey
Phone: +1 (774) 420 8142
Email: banerjen [at] gmail [dot] com